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Nigel has been a great help – as an insightful thought partner in helping me identify and better understand some of the challenges I face in my current role. With a balanced combination of coercion and collaboration, Nigel has helped me achieve a number of “Aha!” moments in relation to my team, my board colleagues and other important external stakeholders. I have great trust in Nigel’s judgement and opinion, and I consider his counsel and coaching a major asset in developing my skills and relationships going forward.
David Stephens – Finance Director - Teach First


Hi Nigel I would just like to thank you for the fantastic coaching session that I had yesterday.  It certainly helped me to clarify matters in my own mind and also gave me the impetus to set the new goals into action.  I now know where I am going and how I am going to get there. With someone who's life is as busy as mine this session was invaluable and I can only thank you for your help and guidance, and will encourage anyone who is unsure of their direction to take the opportunity to engage in a coaching session with you.
Sue Warwick - Wolf Consultancy


Dear Nigel Thank you for taking time to spend with us yesterday. We found the time spent with you very enlightening and the ideas you have put forward will be implemented within the business from immediate effect. We will be looking to continue your services in developing and growing our business and we will recommend you to fellow business people we know.
Michelle Ford – Owner – JML (Financial) Associates Limited


Dear Nigel I’m writing to express my thanks for the extremely interesting and helpful sessions we had recently. These sessions have been instrumental in getting me to really think about what is important to my business as well as my personal life. You as the What, the Who, the Where, the How and the Why and help me focus on the positives rather than the negatives. With our agreed continuous dialogue, I hope to achieve greater things going forward and maintain the positive attitude I currently have in place. Through social and business meetings in the future, I will endeavour to promote your talents whenever the situation arises.
Richard Punnett – Director – The Visonary Company


Dear Nigel I am writing to thank you for the business coaching session that I had with you on 27 September 2010. In order to have a smooth and productive session, you sought to understand my business with an illuminating questionnaire. Subsequently, we proceeded smoothly as you coached me how to approach various issues affecting the business. The thing that impressed me most is how you hand-holding me through the process of formulating marketing strategies. As the session progressed, many of the things unfolded before my eyes that I had not thought of before. You also advised me to look to the future by having a business plan. The issue of time management was also discussed with planning ahead what to do on a weekly basis. All in all, the session was most useful and my ideas on the business had become clear and more focus. I strongly recommend that anyone who is at the crossroads of deciding what to do, Nigel will lead you on the path to success.
Kia Law – Nonsuch Auricular Therapy Clinic


‘The most significant impact of coaching is shown in the outcome. Thanks to my time with Nigel I developed clear, well-thought targets and strategies that are now practically self-sustaining’.
Tony Bamber – Business Consultant


‘Nigel is very direct and to the point in his coaching methods. He persists with his line of questioning ensuring that I am following the right course of action for me and that I am motivated to take that action. The effect of coaching sessions with Nigel go beyond the session itself and I often find myself following the same lines of questioning when I am planning, scheming and acting upon other areas of my life’
Richard Burrow – Coach


‘Nigel was extremely good at drawing out my fears, helping me to list the areas I thought I needed to work on, so much so I am pleased to say I was then offered and accepted the promotion I had been chasing for the previous year’
Gary Finch – British Petroleum


‘Nigel really helped me focus on what’s important to me and also questioned me hard about certain assumptions I had made. I am extremely grateful for his support and advice’
Emma Francis – Zurich Financial Services


‘Nigel helped me enormously to focus on areas of my life and my business. He helped guide me in broad areas such as what I wanted to achieve from my business in the short, medium and long term and how to improve my marketing effort as a one person business. Nigel showed empathy with my issues but was persistent and firm enough to bring me back on track if I got distracted from the issue we were discussing. I wouldn’t hesitate to use his services again either to help me through specific issues or to help me more generally’
Sarah Mattinson – Mattinsonwright Executive Search

‘Motivating, professional and always great rapport. We really got down to the nitty gritty and dealt with several limiting beliefs that I had hidden behind my protective armour. I would be happy to recommend Nigel as a coach’
Justin Cox - Coach


‘My coaching sessions have helped me to build my confidence, taught me how to change my negative way of thinking. I have achieved goals and due to the coach training, I feel more positive and confident for the future’
Gina Roberts – Financial Administrator


‘At all times Nigel was very professional in his approach, but also made the sessions enjoyable yet productive. Thanks to the coaching Nigel provided I had successfully set up a business, and was out there working on my business before December – which I wouldn’t have achieved on my own’
Spencer Wasley – Project Manager


‘Nigel was very clear on his expectations for each session, to ensure maximum benefit was achieved. I looked at a number of objectives during my sessions and Nigel was very helpful in ensuring that the journey goals were achievable and realistic (SMART). He was also good at bringing different ideas to the table, without forcing his own ideas upon me. A valuable lesson for me was also to assess an objective and realise that can mean it is the wrong objective and a completely different course of action is required that first thought.’
Fiona Kennedy – JP Morgan