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Training Programmes


NRH Coaching delivers bespoke training to meet the specific needs of the client, whether it is delivered in-house, off site or on an open course with delegates from different companies. It can be delivered either on a one-to-one or group basis. Examples of what we provide are detailed below:-


☺   Time Management and focus. A course designed to make you get the most from your most valuable resource – time. Discover systems and strategies that will help you do the right things to propel you and your business to success. Find ways to eliminate unproductive time and stop procrastination. Gives practical, effective tips for overcoming time wasting habits.


✓   Leadership and Management development. This course looks at the differences between leadership and management. What it takes to be a good leader and what it takes to be a good manager. What are the different styles of leadership and management? What you need to be doing to develop your leadership and management skills.


✎   Career planning. This course gives you the tools, techniques and resources to build a career map that will provide you with the fulfilling career you desire.


£   Budget & Forecasting. A course designed to provide you with the basic skills to create budget and forecasts that are easy to use and will keep you focussing on the right numbers in your business.


☼   Goal setting for results. A course designed to provide the right method to go about goal setting so that you will get the results if you follow the steps outlined. If you have set goals and not fully achieved them then this is a course for you.


✄   NLP skills in Business. Using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) tools and techniques to get the results you want in business. The course covers the basic elements of NLP, then goes on to provide some specific tools that will change the way you approach situations in your business.


☠   Using coaching to improve individual and business performance. A course covering the basic coaching tools and techniques. Use these proven tools so you can apply them to yourself and your business to improve performance and results.


☏   Project management essentials