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mentoringWhether you run your own business, just about to start out on your career path or about to step into a senior position, you will find that you do not know everything and having a mentor to guide you is an invaluable resource.

A mentor is someone who has been successful at something you want to do or exemplifies how you want to be. You have a personal relationship with the mentor and he/she guides you in your development

You may want to move up the career ladder and utilise a mentor who has taken the same or a similar path and can provide you with both good and bad decisions they made along the way

If you are starting out or run your own small (SME) business you might want a business mentor who has been through the same process to impart their learnings and successes.

If you are moving into a board position you might want advice on meetings, company politics and dealing with corporate group issues.

Whatever your reason for a mentor NRH Coaching has access to many suitably qualified individuals who can provide you with the guidance you require.

Take action today to move you towards success by calling 020 8224 3649 or email [email protected]